We train athletes specifically for their sport and their position. Linemen and running backs will have different performance needs. Our trainers have worked with multiple athletes of all sports including soccer, baseball, cheer, track, football, tennis, and more
Athletes need to move fast and stay on their toes. Training just with weights will help in some aspects but our trainers dive deeper in movement mechanics. How fast you take off is important but being able to decelerate efficiently will prevent risk of injury!
Athletes can't do what they love to do when they are burdened down with injuries. Our training plan is designed to maximize results while decreasing the risk for injuries. It is our goal to send as many athletes to college on scholarship as possible. We know that won't happen with unhealthy joints (shoulder, knee, back pain). Let us help to strengthen your underworked muscles and we heal, stretch and recover your overworked muscle!
We train our athletes with the intention of creating the strongest, inspired, and well rounded athletes possible. This included working with them on a psychological and physiological levels that fit them. Most sports training options in the area work on speed and agility specifically through the modalities of speed and agility training. As this can improve their performance, it doesn't always build a solid foundation for the athletes to grow on.
We are different because we always progress athletes through at their fitness levels while incorporating much stability and mobility training. We love training through modalities of power lifting, agility, strength and speed. However, we fully believe and athlete won't move safely through explosion and immediate acceleration if they aren't yet able to move slow and controlled.
Make no mistake, we will push, challenge and demand more of athletes than they might have thought was possible. We train speed and agility---SAFELY! This is one of the big reasons the risk of injury decreases with our training plan more than ones that don't spend time with the functional aspects of muscles and tendons.
We love getting to meet you! Call, text, email, or stop by.
110 North Main Street, Collierville, Tennessee 38017, United States
Mon | 06:00 am – 07:00 pm | |
Tue | 05:30 am – 07:00 pm | |
Wed | 06:00 am – 07:00 pm | |
Thu | 05:30 am – 07:00 pm | |
Fri | 06:00 am – 12:00 pm | |
Sat | 08:00 am – 10:00 am | |
Sun | Closed |
The best way we could sell you on our program is to let you try it for FREE and we are sure you will love it!!! You get to experience why our members get the best results and stay with us for long term results!